Completed Projects

Ksyen Regional Hospital, Mills Memorial Hospital Redevelopment Project, resulted in the development of a new approximately 26,440 square-metres (284,500 square-feet) acute care hospital and integrated services facility.
The Kicking Horse Canyon Project is a multi-phase project that improved safety and mobility over approximately 26 kilometres of two-lane highway.
These upgrades improved local and commercial travel in the area and reduced conflicts between commercial vehicles and other traffic.
The new Patient Care Tower (PCT) at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, B.C. was constructed on the Royal Inland Hospital (RIH) campus and is connected directly to the existing RIH facilities on five levels.
Coast Mountain College offers college access programs; small class sizes; health and human services programs; online programs; university credit programs; trades foundation and apprenticeship programs.

Abbotsford Law Courts Project

Completed February 2021
The Province of B.C. has built new law courts within the City of Abbotsford’s Civic Precinct. The 14-room law courts include three Supreme Court courtrooms, eight Provincial Court courtrooms and three judicial conference rooms.
The New Westminster Secondary School Replacement Project provided a state-of the-art learning environment for 1,900 students from Grades 9 to 12. The new school is approximately 19,800 square metres in building gross area.